Chowdhury Sarwar Jahan : IAGR Conference 2024
Ph.D., Professor, Dept. of Geology and Mining, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, is former Chairman, Dept. of Geology and Mining (2010-2013); Dean, Faculty of Life and Earth Science (2012-2013); and Pro-Vice Chancellor (2013-2017). He has 40 years of teaching, research and administrative activities in the University. Prof Chowdhury has affiliated with various national and international professional organizations. He is an active member and experts of the various National Committees of the Govt. of Bangladesh (GoB) on water resource management. As chair/member of different the National Committees of GoB, he made important contribution for framing laws, rules, policies, strategies etc. related to water resource management in Bangladesh. He works as the member of the Task Force of Surface and Groundwater of the GoB. Attended and presented research papers in more than 35 (thirty Five) symposiums, seminars and conferences at home and abroad. In these symposiums, seminars and conferences, he delivered more than 10 (ten) invited lectures/key note speeches. Have published about 80 (eighty) research papers, extended abstracts and book chapters in national and international peer reviewed journals, periodicals, conference volumes and books on different aspects of hydrology, hydrogeology, water resource management especially in Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM), water governance, mitigation and adaptation of climate change effect, natural resource management, geo-statistics and data management, GIS and Remote Sensing. Ranked 27th in last 5 years among the top 237 (two hundred thirty seven) researchers of the University of Rajshahi since its establishment in 1953 as per SCOPUS database. Has visited India, Iran, Italy, Nepal, Thailand, USA, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Japan, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Turkey, Oman, Spain, and Russia. Rotarian Professor Chowdhury is an active social worker including the member of the Managing Board of the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society, National Head Quarter.