Prof. Mamata Desai
Fellow NIAS, Rtd. Professor Department of Ecology, Physical and Human Resources at
Netaji Institute for Asian Studies
Prof. Mamata Desai was the Head of the Prof. Mamata Desai was the Head of the Department of Ecology, Physical and Human Resources at Netaji Institute for Asian Studies, Kolkata, West Bengal. She served the National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organization, Government of India, and Deshbandhu College, University of Calcutta, before joining the institute in 1982. Prof. Desai is known for her contribution to the socio-cultural ecology of the tribal people and hill areas of West Bengal, Bihar and Sikkim and was entrusted by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, with the task of evaluating some afforestation programme in Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh. She has coordinated quite a number of research projects financed and sponsored by various national and international bodies. She has published 98 technical papers and 16 books to her credit. She is also a member of various national and international scientific committees. Presently she held the position of President of the Indian Remote Sensing Society -Kolkata Chapter, Vice President of ILLEE, Vice President of Himalaya Samiksha Parishad and Vice President of the Foundation of Practicing Geographers. Prof. Desai has supervised a few Ph. D and M. Phil dissertations under Jadavpur University, NSOU and IISWBM. She has been awarded an honorary Fellow Award by the Indian Biological Society, International Innovation Project (Toronto University).